Rotorwerk Project Services from Rostock investigates national and international funding programs on behalf of companies, municipalities and associations, elicits sustainable funding opportunities, develops tailor-made projects and supports approved projects all over the project period. This includes, among others:

_ Concept development
_ Project development
_ Project management
_ Funding consultancy
_ Process moderation

More Details?

Concept development .

Conceptual thinking, structuring ideas, advancing questions or even a thought towards a complex and well-considered concept - this is a strength that is reflected in our project ideas as well as in concept papers and feasibility studies we have developed so far. Often, it is based on a joint brainstorming, in other cases there are specific ideas the need appropriate framing or a good structure. Or it is the feasibility of a certain project that needs to be investigated. Just get in contact with us and present your concern or considerations.

Project development .

You have project idea and intend to submit an application for project funding? We help you to find the matching funding opportunity, etablish a partner network, plan the project budget compile all needed documents. Or we support you with the planned or even already started application development or substantiate your application with a coherent budget plan.

Project management and support .

We have supported more than 30 projects with successfully implementing a project after approved application over the last 10 years. This support ranged from comprehensively supporting the project regarding all management issues (project management, project marketing, financial management and accounting) to supporting in partial fields such as financial management or supporting single fields or project partners.

Funding concultancy .

What funding opportunities are relevant for me? Which funding program suits me? What conditions do I have to fulfil as applicant? We advise individual persons as well as teams, associations, stakeholder organisations, municipalities etc.

Process moderation .

It does not always happen that many cooks spoil the broth. On the contrary. Where a variety of perspectives and competences are merged in a constructive planning process, the result will be better than a single person could achieve it. We are experienced with such processes and support you with conceptual considerations as well as with planning joint activities or projects.


Rotorwerk Project Services . Klosterbachstr. 10 . 18057 Rostock . Germany
fon +49 381 375 971-75 . fax: +49 381 375 971-76 .
Imprint |
Responsible: Dr. Kristina Koebe . fon +49 381 375 971-75 . fax: +49 381 375 971-76 .

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